
The Philosophy is to explore, develop and mine economically robust energy mineral deposits while being local and engaging locally.

In Lindi Jumbo’s experience there has always been one simple key factor that has kept our community relationships resilient, communication! The line of communication has always been the measurement of our relationship status. By including the Village Board and village members in every step of the project, not only by employing labourers and contributing by means of social activities, but just by creating the environment of ‘togetherness’. In Tanzania, there is a common daily saying in KiSwahili, “tupo pa moja”, meaning “we are one” or “we are together”, which resonates so well with the Lindi Jumbo project. This is the stance that the company has taken, to work with the local community and allow them the feeling of belonging.

Long standing MOU’s and No-dispute contracts were signed between the company, village and District. These agreements have been welcomed all around and it gave the feeling of building the foundation for what is to come. To date all agreements have been honoured.

Social Contributions

On the social contributions front the company engages with the local village councils and District office to understand where the need for assistance is. Each request is reviewed individually by the Board of Directors and the company provides support if capable.

In each case of contribution, sponsor, grant or goodwill, Lindi Jumbo has always followed up with the matters, even months or years later on regular intervals to see what the progress is and what the success status is of each matter. The company would like to avoid any hand-outs without follow-up or abuse of social responsibility. Below are only a few of the contributions Lindi Jumbo have been privileged to be a part of:


We follow industry best practice standards to provide a safe, secure and environmental conscious working environment for all our staff, contractors and community members. Extra rigour is applied when staff and contractors are involved in mining activities.